Theoretically the parallel port supplies (sources) _NO_ current at 5V (or whatever is the precise voltage the logic is supplied). So you will get _something_ less than 5V. How much less (at a given current) depends on the detailed design of the parallel port silicon (which is pretty much unknown today). There are programmers which power Atmel chips off several bussed parallel port pins, but these (Atmel) chips can operate at reduced voltages. Since you are likely to choose to use the battery and regulator, I suggest you go ahead and add an e.g. 74HC244 or similar buffer inside the DB25 plug, as the Atmel 'dongle' does. It will make things more predictable, and can serve as some protection against dropping a loose wire with a voltage that will fry (at least part of ) your PC motherboard. R.Martin Mike M wrote: > hey guys i built a programmer to program 24lc32 eeproms, i wanted to know if t he parallel port would have enough current to supply