Seeing many great responses I thought I would pose a question that has been troubling me for a while. I have a wind speed sensor, that is basically a motor of sorts. The measurements that I made are as follows: 0 - 1Vpp Sine wave that varies amplitude depending on the speed. The higher the speed the larger the amplitude. Also the frequency varies as some of you might have guessed. The highest frequency I was able to measure coming out of the unit was about 100Hz. The problem is, what would be a good/efficient way of converting the signal to a form that the '877 will be easily able to use. I thought of doing zero or peak detection then counting the samples to derive the time, hence the wind speed. Second solution is to use a frequency to voltage converter and possibly an AGC in front. My final incomplete solution was to rectify the signal, or should I say product detect, similar to an AM recv. Anyhow thats my take on the situation, I would appreciate comments and/or suggestions. Thanks. Vic BTW> Should this have been listed as [OT]? This is my firs post. FAQ URL???