I thought we agreed, no religious wars on the list? Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Seriously, you have a few variables to consider. The type of program matters. If you are doing alot of math, say 16 or 32 bit, it sure is convenient to do it all in C. I found in some of my conversions, when I picked up the HiTech compiler, that the compiler beat me. That is not always the case. An application could also rely heavily on timing and logic state machines. These apps tend to benefit from tight assy. The last angle is that of style. If you did assy and moved over to C, you tend to use it as a pseudo language, writing in a manner that the compiler packs efficiently. If you only know C, and you are coming from the PC world, your own inefficencies (which didn't matter a whit on the PC) will haunt you deeply. Chris Eddy Pioneer Microsystems, Inc. Jeremy Cowgar wrote: > Are C compliers generally better at creating smaller .ASM code than a human, > or can someone who knows ASM create smaller .ASM code than the C compiler? > > What I am trying to ask is there an advantage to using ASM since I already > know C. Once you learn a language, you can pick up others, but there is a > great learning curve, is it worth it? > > Jeremy - KB8LFA@qsl.net