RE: [OT] Re: Adjustable Power Supply HELP

Well, at work I play with laser drivers working at 2.5 GBits/s, and electrolytics certainly don't do very much at that frequency.  I've never personaly measured the losses in an electroylitic, but if you take a look at almost any RF circuitry, you won't find many high value decoupling caps.  Maybe one or two for low frequency bypass, the rest will be small ceramic devices.  As you say, larger caps will have a higher inductance and ESR than smaller ones, and this will become the dominant factor at high frequencies, swamping the very small capacitive reactance.

As further evidence that the 2200uF output cap in the original design was superfluous, this is straight from the Nat Semi datasheet:

"Normally, no capacitors are needed unless the device is situated more than 6 inches from the input filter capacitors in which case an input bypass is needed. An optional output capacitor can be added to improve transient response"