Hi About the same time you read this I will also be pulling out of the PIC Group Because of the Email you can read below It was NOT my choice to avoid not putting (OT) in the subject line, I was just replying to a Email I received and trying to be helpful, I feel insulated that you should bring it to my attention in this manner Because of the number of Email Volume I aviod not to overload other Email box , with new subject items that are not related to PIC'S Maybe you should have words with the rest of the group -----Original Message----- >Just a quick note: the below listed post, which you sent to the PICLIST, has >nothing to do with PICs and [OT] was not in the subject line. > >The rest of this message is long winded B.S. Feel free to ignore it: > >Please understand, I really don't want to offend you or in any way >discourage you from posting your valuable information (or funny remarks >) to the PICLIST. > >I'm just pointing out that people who only want to read engineering post >about the PIC would not be able to filter out your post by setting up their >email program to delete [OT] subjects. > >If you remember to add [OT], you can help retain people (resources) on the >list who don't have time or bandwidth to follow [OT]'s > >You can post just about anything to the PIC list. Just mark the tread [OT] >and that's enough for us. If list members don't like it... they can filter >it.... > >As I have advised other before, if a list member doesn't like something said >in a post they can send the "offenders" a private email asking them >to mark [OT]s. If they get buried, maybe they will. ..or maybe they will >drop off the list and then part of the SIGNAL will be gone forever rather >than just buried in the noise. I don't want to loose your signal and I won't >keep sending you this "reminder" email if you reply and tell me to stop. > >I have no authority on the PICList. I'm acting as a "vigilante" in >sending this message. My goal is to keep people (like Tajaart, Scott >Dattalo, and others and YOU) from leaving the list rather than have their >valuable time wasted by a rash of off topic post that are not marked [OT]. > >Only Mark and Jory can say anything about what anybody can or can't post. If >you want more moderating, and feel that they rather than I should be >concerned about this, email them. If they get buried, maybe they will. ...or >maybe they will just get disgusted and drop the entire thing. > >Please feel free to tell me to get lost if it makes you feel better. Thanks >for taking the time to read this. > >James Newton mailto:jamesnewton@geocities.com phone:1-619-652-0593 >http://techref.homepage.com NOW OPEN (R/O) TO NON-MEMBERS! >Members can add private/public comments/pages ($0 TANSTAAFL web hosting) >PICLIST guide: > >Could be the Horizontal output transistor (HOT), the Flyback transformer >(FBT), maybe something else >with a TV you can measure if the collector-Emitter of the HOT is shorted (or >leaky), then short the Base-Emitter of the HOT with a short piece of wire, >connect a mains light bulb about 75 Watt (230 volts ) across the HOT then >turn the set on, if the light glows measure the B+ going into the FBT, put >everything back and measure the B+ again, if the Voltage is a lot lower, >then it could be a faulty FBT > >But with monitors it can be a bit different for example sometimes you have >one HOT to do the Extra High Tension EHT & another HOT to do the horizontal >scan. > >Now in Sony New Zealand there is a person you can ring for Technical help. >BUT someone once said " If you can't say anything nice about someone don't >say anything at all " so I will leave it at that then. > >>From Eric > >