Folks, the PICList has 3 "I/O Ports". Seems I need to remind some people how they're used. * Posting messages to the "PICList Mail Distribution port", at , causes that message to be distributed to all 1800+ members of the PICList (Those who don't have NoMail set), who then read your post and make snide comments if you posted to the wrong address. * Posting messages to the "PICList Administration Port", at , causes that message to be distributed to all admins of the PICList {Jory + Myself, right now}, who then read your post & try to help. * Posting messages to the "PICList Command Input Port", at , causes that message to be treated as a command by the listserve software, THIS and ONLY THIS is the address to send Unsubscribe requests, Set NoMail requests, and so forth. The listserve software ONLY listens here for commands, you can send them to those other "ports" all you want, and all you'll get is a copy back from the machine, telling you you've made a mistake. Same as on a PIC chip, using the wrong port for the wrong purpose may result in unintended consequences, like annoyed list neighbors or flustrated admins. The ListServe machine is even simpler than ANY PIC; It doesn't take all that much learning to add the capability to handle these 3 I/O ports and to learn the few commands that the third port takes, especially compared to the relatively huge complexity that the simplest PIC chip poses by comparison! Mark -- I do small package shipping for small businesses, world-wide.