Hi Folks, I just wanted to put up the request again for companies that want to be listed in the second edition of the PICMicro book. I will not be transferring listings automatically between editions - although if your information hasn't changed, let me know I will transfer the listing. If you are interested, please fill out the form below: Logos/photographs must be in TIFF Version 5.00 Format at a minimum of 300 dpi resolution. Graphics can be submitted in CorelDRAW 8 format. Photographs can also be shipped to me and scanned in for the book. And, like the previous books, I will not be accepting companies with pages that have political messages, pornographic pictures or obscenities. For your company/product description, please spend some time writing it and thinking about what you want to present. In the past, many companies left this section of the form blank or submitted text that is poorly written and difficult to understand what is being presented. If English is not your first language, you should probably find somebody who can translate your ideas into English. If you have a product you would like reviewed and presented in the book, I am interested in taking a look at it. Of most interest would be compilers, programmers and emulators. If you want to do this, I expect that the product be shipped to me via FedEx and if you want it back, you will supply me with a FedEx account code. The manufacturer will be responsible for all shipping and customs charges (I live in Canda). If I have any problems with the product, it will be returned and not reviewed or presented in the book. Legal stuff: I will not take responsibility of the accuracy of the statements made by companies or their material in the book. I will not review products that are based on unlicensed Microchip technology (the products that this statement is most likely to encompass are "clone" chips - at the present time, Microchip has not licensed the PICMicro architecture to any third parties). Quoting the review on your web page or in sales material will require written permission from McGraw-Hill and myself. myke Company Submission form: Name of Company: _________________________________ Primay Contact: ____________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________________ (Note: For non-North American locations, please include the Country Code) email: ____________________________________________ Company Street Address: _____________________________ Company Suite/Apt Number: ___________________________ Company City Address: _______________________________ Company State/Provice/Territory: ________________________ Company Country: ___________________________________ Company Postal/Zip Code: _____________________________ Company URL: ______________________________________ Company email: _____________________________________ Company Phone: _____________________________________ Company Fax: _______________________________________ (Note: For non-North American locations, please include the Country Code) Company Support email: _______________________________ Company Support Phone: ______________________________ Company Support Fax: ________________________________ (Note: For non-North American locations, please include the Country Code) Company/Product Description (200 Words Max): _____________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Do you have a company Logo you want presented with the Listing? ___ Yes ___ No Do you have a product photograph you want to be presented with the Listing? ___ Yes ___ No If the answer is "Yes" to either of these questions, explain how the graphics are to be submitted and if they are attanched to this note please describe their format: ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Are you interested having your product reviewed in the book? ___ Yes ___ No If the answer is "yes" to this question, please describe the product and the terms of the submittal: ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________