I am relatively new at programming PICS and I have encountered my first uncrackable bug!
I am using the 16F84 chip at 4MHz with just the TMR0 overflow interrupt enabled. The first four bits in portb are defined as inputs and rest as outputs, the portb pullups are also enabled. This initialisation can be seen below.
set_bank0    ; macro
 movlw   00100000b       ; set interrupts
 movwf   intcon          ; timer on, global off

 set_bank1    ; macro
 ; set options : prescaler to WD.
 ; only one prescaler so timer now driven direct from clock.
 ; timer period = 0.256 mS.
 ; bit5 clear to select timer mode
 ; Turn Port B pullups on. Bit 7.
 movlw   00001111b       ; set OPTIONs
 movwf   optionreg
 movlw   00011100b       ; 5 bits only on port A
 movwf   TRISA           ; 0 & 1 outputs
 movlw   00001111b       ; set port B
 movwf   TRISB  ; 4,5,6 & 7 outputs
 set_bank0    ; macro
 ; set o/ps safe
 movlw 00000010b
 movwf portA  ; set TX power off
 movlw 00000000b ; set adc /CS hi
 movwf portB

My problem is: I can't seem to control IO pin 10 in a certain region of code. The instruction I am using is as follows: bcf portB,4. Pin 10 is only connected to a 0.1uF cap which goes to 0v. Below is the code showing where I have placed the command with comments showing where it worked and did not work.
; portB,4 is high at this point
intoff           ; stop interrupts - macro that disables int
;#t bcf portB,4  ; it worked here
movfw CC         ; set int timers
movwf time_hi
movfw BB
movwf time_mid
movfw AA
;#t bcf portB,4  ; it worked here
movwf time_lo
movlw synctime   ; set the resync delay timer for one hour.
;#t bcf portB,4  ; it worked here
movwf time_s     ;
;#t bcf portB,4  ; it did not work here
inton            ; macro turns all ints on
;#tbcf portB,4      ; it did not work here    ;turn off MSF radio.
bsf shift_out,6  ; RED LED off to show sync found
call load_shift  ; routine that moves the byte shift_out into a shift reg
;#t bcf    portB,4    ;worked here
I have spent a 2 days looking at this and still can't figure it out. I know I have done something completely stupid but I can't work out what!
Any help will be greatly appreciated.