At 09:43 PM 11/3/99 -0200, roberto1@MAILBR.COM.BR wrote: >I know its basic, but have your CORRECTLY set the ADCON register? Last >month I was developing code for '877 and I reached your same problem. It >was solved changing the ADCON register. ADCON1 = 0x0F; which by my read sets the pins as not AD. I also ran into this at first, but that was weeks and weeks ago. This is the first thing I checked. Good suggestion though. > >Another thing: When you execute an toggle routine or command, the pic >reads the pin contents, then togle a bit and shifts out it again to the >pin, so, depending on your hardware (an led drawing a lot of current for >example), when the pic reads the pin, the "hi" (an 1) voltage on it is >below, let's say 2.5v; so the read is interpreted as a low rather then a >high. If it happens, the real behavior is that the pin don't toggle. It >also happened to me last month. > It is definitely not this, as I pulled it completely out of the circuit. I'm beginning to suspect that perhaps my programmer is bad. It has been getting flaky verifies lately. I have 4 chips on carriers so I don't think it is bum chips. I will be investigating further, and let you know how it comes out. Thanks for the suggestions. -Erik Reikes >If it helps, reply so I may track this "interesting" behavior. > >see you, > Beto. > > > > >______________ >I believe I've just found a really nasty hardware bug in the 16F876. I >figure I would tell you guys first then figure out who at MChip to give >a >piece of my mind. > >Here's the scenario : I'm using pin 0 of port A to wakeup an external >device. This involves toggling the pin. If only pin 0 is written to, a >0 >never comes out on the port. To get it to write something another pin >on >port A must also be written to. > >My bare bones software test cases are : >1: xor pin 0 with 1 >2: delay > >In this case pin 0 stays a 1, constantly. If I change it to : > >1: xor pin 0 with 1 >2: delay >3: write a 1 to pin 1,2,3 or 5; >4: write a 0 to pin 1,2,3, or 5; > >Then it works. Otherwise nix. It operates in exactly the same manner >with >bsf and bcf on that particular pin. I didn't see anything in the errata >on >this. I'm more than a bit irritated. If someone can show me how this >is a >bug on my part I'd be grateful (as well as surprised). > >Here's the source for working : > >m015 MOVLW .1 >00F0 1283 0529 BCF 0x03,RP0 >00F1 1303 0530 BCF 0x03,RP1 >00F2 0685 0531 XORWF PORTA,1 >00F3 0000 0533 NOP >00F4 0000 0535 NOP >00F5 0000 0537 NOP >00F6 0000 0539 NOP >00F7 0000 0541 NOP >00F8 1685 0544 BSF PORTA,5 >00F9 1285 0546 BCF PORTA,5 >00FA 28EF 0549 GOTO m015 > >And for not working : >m015 MOVLW .1 >00F0 1283 0529 BCF 0x03,RP0 >00F1 1303 0530 BCF 0x03,RP1 >00F2 0685 0531 XORWF PORTA,1 >00F3 0000 0533 NOP >00F4 0000 0535 NOP >00F5 0000 0537 NOP >00F6 0000 0539 NOP >00F7 0000 0541 NOP >00F8 28EF 0547 GOTO m015 > >_________________________________________________________________________ >MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- >Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Servigos On-Line >Acesse e Vote!