At 00:39 3/11/99 -0500, you wrote: >At 03:52 PM 11/3/99 +1100, you wrote: >> -> hence why MFD was baned! > >Yeah, it is good that it was dropped. I still have some caps that have MFD >written on them,though. > >>Oh dear, >>I thought it was.... >> >>100 of thoese >>100 thingymabobs >>100 dowahts its >>100 whatcha macall its > >:-) > >>Light can not be defined as a "piece" (Wagners getting to me!) > >Well, in a way you are right,but I think that Russell was trying to find a >colloquial (sp?) way of saying "wave packet" or "group". In that sense, you >can define a region over which light intensity is greater than in the >surrounding region (such as what happens if you turn a flashlight (torch >) on for 1 second and then off again - you will have created a 300 >million meter long wave packet). > >> >>Oh took me a while to get waht you ment here, yep I agree, nothing travels >>faster than light, except my paycheque when the better half gets to it > > > >>I thought that it was infinately small as light fills the enitre void? Opps >>seem to have that wrong (Again ahrr) > >I'm not sure how that makes it infinitely small? You mean the light is >already "there" because it already fills all space? > Yes, meaning that light is infinitely large as it covers all, an travels in all directions Dennis > >| >| Sean Breheny >| Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM >| Electrical Engineering Student >\--------------=---------------- >Save lives, please look at >Personal page: > ICQ #: 3329174 > >