Morgan Olsson wrote: > > Speaking of units, I recently read an american paper and there are two units I am not sure about, can somebody fill in: > > mils = (sounds like milli inch??) Commonly used for some building materials (thickness of plastic, etc.) > microns = (micrometer? (µm)) Old-fashioned term still in common usage. More off topic (Morgan's micrometer reference made me think of this): how do people in different parts of the world pronounce "kilometer"? In North America, it seems to be pronounced 2 ways: 1. ki-law-meter, accent on the second syllable (most common) 2. ki-low-meter, accent on the first syllable I tend to go with #2, since (using the micrometer example), a mi-craw-meter (the instrument) is used to measure a mic-row-meter (the distance). Ergo, a ki-law-meter (if there was such an instrument) would measure a ki-low-meter. Not earth-shattering important, but neither is this whole thread, eh? --Matt