There's a good project, uses a 16F84, that I grabbed a while ago - does up to 50MHz using the prescaler on the 'F84 (don't see the URL in my bookmarks here - Folks? Might use a 'C84 also.) I can just e-mail it to you, if you want, off-list, once I find it; I found another that uses a 16C54, here in a small file. (I'll have to drop to DOS to find it, Windows just gets in the way / crashes. Need to run mail stuff, will be back in 2-3 hours.) Mark Mitchel - task wrote: > > Please, I need a project Frequency Counter with PIC and low coast. > Does anybory know where I can find it ? > > Mitchel Monteiro -- I do small package shipping for small businesses, world-wide.