Linux has hoards of bugs for many of the user developed programs. However, almost every crash I've had (very few system crashes like M$) was related to shareware or freeware stuff. The environment itself is pretty stable. I had one installation running for about three years and it never locked up once. The hard drive and video card failed in the end and I replaced it with a newer setup. That system was a server that handled from 10 to 30+ people all the time. I could also run X at the console and not load up the system while others were on it. Once you get into X, the software is a bit rough around the edges - usually caused by poor ports of software that was running on another Unix flavor. You do end up respecting the system though... the problems you get are usually easy to identify .. you might not be able to do anything about it .. but you feel better about the whole thing 8). The biggest drawback to Linux? It requires you to think and learn about the operating system. That also seems to be its biggest calling ... it allows you to tune the innards as much as you want. It isn't for the masses ... yet. The recent move by the big folks (IBM, Sun, Oracle, etc) to embrace Linux should bring a bit more stability to the system. But it will also drag the attendent corporate mind set about how you should do things. Good with the bad. Dan I get the Linux Bits( ) newsletter and it seems Linux users have just as many problems as windows users trying to make their systems stable and usable. roger Roger H. Anderson Luis; It is actually easier than one would think. Simply install the 'Linux' program and windows suddenly behaves very well. No more blue screens, no more crashed programs, no more sudden crawling operating system. I suggest it for a patch for all Windows systems. Chris Eddy Pioneer Microsystems, inc. Luis Ot‡vio Mˇdici wrote: Hi, I am brazilian electrical engineer and I was beginning to program the PIC. I was trying to developer a PIC inside«s Data Acquisicion Card . The assembly code is ok, otherwise the sw in Delphi that receive, show and store the data wasn«t working like its should. The system monitored is fast and needs of Real Time treatment and make a Real Time Sw in Windows is very difficult. Anybody has some tips about Windows Real Time Programming? Are there specifical APIs ? Book or Web Sites ? Thank you, A good site about microcontroller technology is