This is probably obvious, but I need to ask anyway, mainly for my own peace of mind... I am trying to use MPLINK (for the first time). Using a 16F84 for development. The point is to build software libraries and then link in the ones I need, as opposed to #include or cut-and-paste. After I got everything to assemble, the linker gave me the error "section 'ISR' can not fit the absolute section." The 'ISR' is, of course, the interrupt handler that I want placed at 0x04. Upon examining 16F84.lkr, I noticed codepage 'vectors' extends from 0x00 to 0x04, and codepage 'page' from 0x05 to 0x3FF. So I changed 'vectors' to end at 0x03, and 'page' to start at 0x04. And the two object files were linked together. Ok, so now I can't help but wonder: I would like to assume that Microchip configured the 16f84.lkr file correctly. But since I had to tinker with this file, I have this nagging doubt that I am not using the software correctly. Can anyone shed some light onto this for me? Phil Eisermann H:(440) 284-3787 ( O:(440) 329-4680 (