Hej Mike DeMetz. Tack fšr ditt meddelande 19:45 1999-10-19 -0500 enligt nedan: > In their new Fall catalog they have a Voice Direct speech >recognition kit. Can learn upto 15 words. When one recognized a >coresponding output pin goes high for 1 second. >Module,speaker,microphone,resitors,pushbuttons $49.95 >4.5-5VDC >Also the 11/99 issue of Electronics Now has a PIC based seismic >detector using the geophone sensor they carry. Bought mine (think it is the same) from www.conrad.de They also have it on a PCB with latches controlling 4 relays, speaker ampifier, and a input for 12V unregulated. The stupid thing about it is that you need to press the button for it to start listen!! Then you must wait while it says "Say, a word", and then it sometimes say "speak too soon" etc before I have had time to open my mouth... ARGH!! Well, that could be eased a little by adding a motion detector, but not lean enough. Is not as good as I personally expected to differentiate words. Somebody told that it can be improved by changing to a high quality mic. Sometimes it just stupid in the conversation, and to teach it a phrase you have to delete all learned first... TIP: I have found that it work better at low sound level, so normal speak at two meters works better than having it on the table in front of me. The module have a microprocessor interface that might enhance operation using a PIC, though I resigned before trying. However there are three sucessor generations, first the RSC164, that can do continuous listening. No need to press a button. Have anybody seen a kit for this? more reading on http://www.sensoryinc.com/html/ics.html And there are other brands, don«t have the URLs here now. /Morgan Morgans Reglerteknik, HŠllekŒs, 277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN tel +46(0)414-446620, fax -70331, mrt@iname.com