Hi All,

Getting an "not in bank 0" error that I can not get rid of.

Here is the code.
  CLRF      TMR0  ; Clear timer
  BCF        INTCON,2 ; Clears the interupt if set
  movlw      B'00000111'     ; Set prescaler to 255
  BSF        STATUS,RP0
  movwf     OPTION_REG ; Option reg
I am still not sure about when to call the Different banks. Is there a rule of where to call them.
Is there a standard waty to set the banks. I thought I had it under control withthe Trisa and Porta Business but now I am gettig the error For something else. When I simulate the code Is seems to work.??
Also to use the timer interrupt. I is just a case of setting the appropriate state of the Option Register. And then checking for the timer Over flow or is the a real interupt command that I am missing like " If interrupt than do this" or something/???
Got any words of wisdom.
mathew Cohen