Most PICs are rated to being able to source up to 20mA and to sink up to 25mA at any pin. I understand that this is an Absolute Maximum Rating that one cannot stress. Now, keeping into the safe side, say that I want to source 15mA from ALL output pins of a 16F84. ... Ok, so far so good, one cannot do that. So the question is: How do I compute the maximum current a given chip can source at a time? You don't have to compute it - it's already in the spec sheet. In the same "absolute max ratings" section, there are: Max output current sourced by a single I/O PORT 40mA " " " sinked " " 50mA Max current out of Gnd pin 150mA Max current into V+ pin 50mA (remembering someone odd ideas about current flow direction, all the current "sunk" by IO pins should be coming out of the Gnd pin...) BillW