I think I got in over my head with this one so far. I bought Myke's book last fall "Programming and Customizing PICs" and got through about half of it (totally confused, too) before realizing I needed a programmer. I regained a bit of bravery THIS fall and bought the YAP programmer from Wirz Elec. I'm the kind of person that would like to know exactly WHAT I'm trying to learn before I just dive in to breadboarding this thing and making an LED flash. I realized that I am going to have to learn some kind of code to program this thing, and I don't know where to start. I have downloaded MPASM, but don't know if that is what I write programs in...but then again, I don't know what goes where and so on... Do I need any other books or like a college course in computer programming?? I used to program BASIC a lot as a kid, and I understand strings and variables and all, but this looks a lot more confusing. I'm not completely clueless about electronics as I have designed LOTS of stuff in the analog audio realm (amplifiers, crossovers, EQ's) and I'm a repair tech for a car stereo shop (which is a big reason why I chose the PIC, because there are a lot of apps in car audio that could use something like this marvel). But trying to make the connection between hardware, software and what I want it to do is just a little more than frustrating....but I can't bring myself to going back to BCD counters and 555 timers (gag). So if there's anyone out there that isn't going to tell me I need to buy a $500 C++ assembler and has some advice (even if it's like "you're outta your mind, you stupid kid" (I'm 23) ) I'm open to suggestion. TIA to all! Aaron