Maybe it's just me but has anybody found any problem prototyping with the '877? I had been using the 'C77 as a temporary substitute until my '877s arrived. Had no problems with the 'C77s and things went smoothly, albeit slowly (erase-burn-test, repeat). But now, even though I can program the 877s in my el cheapo programmer cconsistently, the apps just don't run most of the time, although when they do, the run just fine. Checked and doublechecked everything. Scoped the oscillator and it is sometimes cycling and sometimes not. But it is sometimes present even when the app won't function. Have two different but similar apps in test, each of which contains a 4-bit connected LCD (which normally gives me no problems) and they both do the same thing! Ha anybody seen this before? Signed, Intermittent in Pennsylvania. Bill Kichman, P.E. Cornwall, PA USA