I've gone through the picNpoke tutorials, and now i have a few questions. 1) What does open collector output mean. What should i consider in the circuit diagram for this pin. 2) What does weak pull-ups mean. 3) Is there a latency between setting a pin to high and when it actually does go high, and if there is, what should my minimum time delay be if i want to take it high and low very fast - ie 400ns ( 10 MHZ low instuction immediately after a high ) 4) if RB7:4 is set to interrupt and RB5&4 are to outputs, will i inadvertently generate an intterupt when i write to bits 4 and 5. 5) does anyone have a 5digit bcd to 16bit binary routine please. My mind is going numb trying to work that one out. i can do it on paper though 6) I want to use a pic for a dimmer switch. what is the easiest way to tap 5vdc from a 220vac line. I want to mount it inside the light switch cover if at all possible. thats all for now thanx in advance John