Jason Muhammad wrote: > Question: Anyone worked with a PIC12CE674 at low Xtal speed > (32.768kHz--less current consumption) and tried to implement the onboard > EEPROM? My part keeps resetting when the write_byte or read_byte is > CALLed. I also #include and commented the #define > FOURMHZ and #define TENMHZ. 32.768kHz is plenty slow for the EEPROM to > work. My guess is that Microchip connected the on-chip charge pump input (for programming the eeprom) to the main chip clock, this would generate your problems. I vaguely recall Motorola 'HC11 chips having a on chip oscilator available for this purpose, check to see if the clock source is selectable for the charge pump. Guessing again, if uChip did it right then there will be an ADC on chip oscilator available for this, check the specs. regards, Graham daniel.