>As if english is not hard enough, you YANKS GO AND ***** IT UP enve more! You have an option, Dennis. The Frenchies are pretty upset that English (Americanized of course) is the lingua franca of the Internet. They've even sued websites for not having french versions of the pages. Talk about mind control! They're even proposing Paris Mean Time to replace GMT! Which makes me wonder - how come Windows defaults to Pacific time zone ? Now, to bring this back a little bit... Are there other processors out there (Russian I know the answer to) which DO NOT use English-based mnemonics for the opcodes? The PIC is wonderfully mnemonic to me, Intel/Mot aren't. And for you non-English-native-language folks: Do you put comments in the source code in English or your native tongue? I've received software from several places, and both English and non-English comments independent of country of origin (the Israelis only had English, but I don't know if that's because of a character set problem or what). Part of the reason I ask this is because I am in the process (and have been for too long) of commenting source code for "sale" and wondering if English-only is the appropriate language for commenting it. Sorry if this sounds blatantly commercial, but it's as much for my own edification as for having something useful to more people. Thanks, and keep having fun! Andy ================================================================== Eternity is only a heartbeat away - are you ready? Ask me how! ------------------------------------------------------------------ andy@rc-hydros.com http://www.rc-hydros.com - Race Boats andy@montanadesign.com http://www.montanadesign.com - Electronics ==================================================================