A week or so ago, I posted about problems writing to a PIC16C84 reliably from a PC parallel port. I solved the problem (largely). It was a timing problem as suspected. I wasn't letting the PIC wait long enough after it had finished writing a byte to the EEPROM memory to allow the PC to catch up (more a problem of the PC occasionally off doing other things rather than a slow PC). Anyway, I am happy to make available the assembly code for the PIC16C84 and the C software (including project files etc, for the Borland C version 4.02 compiler). The C software is written for Windows 3.1 and above (but will not run under NT). Please advise direct by email the best way to make this available to the PIClist (post it on my web page?) - assuming there is interest. The code is 'generic' and can should be useable for other PICs and other I/O line configurations. Note that I have unsubscribed from this mail list, but more as a tool to better manage my inbox. Hence, I won't see any posts to the list. Appreciate advice on making the assembler and PC software available to you all. Cheers Glenn