Jon . . . . What sort of signal are you concerned with ? Is it a D.C. or A.C. signal ? What is the signal voltage level ? What is the signal frequency , if A.C. ? If you are looking to simply pass a D.C. current , then a mosfet will have the lowest *on* resistance , and drop very little of the signal. However , once you have the other spec.'s available it may be that a * line-buffer* would serve your purpose. Believe it or not the old * MC1488 and MC 1489 * pair still serve some app.'s Regards . . . . Steve -----Original Message----- From: Jon Petty To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 9:16 PM Subject: solid state switches for signal wires >Hi everyone > >I need my PIC to intercept some sensor signals (when needed) and also have >the ability to pass them through. I have used small relays for this before. I >don't have the room on the board to put relays. We are talking small signal >current less then 2mA. > >What kind of solid state switches are there that don't have a voltage drop. I >don't want to affect the signal. > >I have never used bus drivers would something like that work? Could you >recommend Part numbers? > >Any other ideas? > > >Jon >