Phillip, There's a man that I have dealings with in Taiwan who uses PIC's in chip on board configuration. This is done for him by people who do his electronic work for him. He does high volume exercise equipment for sale into the USA. You could consider him as a last resort to query if others can't help. If needs be, let me know and I'll pass your specific copy on to him. Russell McMahon _____________________________ >From another world - What can one man* do? Help the hungry at no cost to yourself! at (* - or woman, child or internet enabled intelligent entity :-)) >I'm working on a project that will be in huge production (1 million pieces per >year for three years). The product has to be assembled with chip on board >technology, in order to fit into its rather tiny package. I've lined up an >assembly shop for production, but I have no way to prototype this product. >I've modeled it with through hole parts, and could also do it with smt, but >that still won't get me into a package that's close to actual size. > >So, does anyone out there do this kind of work? Can you recommend someone? >BTW, though I'm specifically looking for prototypes now, I'm not married to >the production shop, and it's still open for discussion. > >You can respond directly to the list, or to me at the address below. Phone, >fax, email, snail mail, smoke signals, whatever. > >Oh yeah, there's a PIC in this thing :-)