Hi, the BSS club develops higher language interpreters for PICs. The first completed project is ST1-64 (description at the end of letter) that is available to download. Some other projects are prepared, e.g.: - PIC interpreter compatible with Stamp I instruction set but with larger program memory (2 KB), e.g. for Donrtonics SimmSticks - Stamp I compatible formware for 16F84 - Integrated compiler for creating interpreted programs and compiled programs in the some tim For more information see BBS Club WWW page http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Cable/7772/ and join the BSS club mailing list, so you will be informed about further developments. Andy ------------------------------------- Project: ST1-64 PIC Basic Interpreter Version: 1.0 Description: Basic Stamp I compatible firmware for 16C84 or 16F84 with 64 bytes of memory Message: We apologize if you had a problems with downloading the code. The problems were caused by changing of our provider environment. Please try again, and if problems still persists, use an alternate link, that is now placed belov the downloading button. ST1-64 is a virtual machine running on a PIC16C84 or PIC16F84 microcontroller that interprets the intermediate code, stored in the internal on-chip 64 byte EEPROM memory. The machine is fully compatible with Parallax Basic Stamp 1 Basic interpreter with the only exception - the program memory has only 64 bytes. The compatibility includes compatible download protocol and debugging facilities. For development can be used the original DOS development software by Parallax or any other development software (e.g. Windows development software by TEP). The firmware can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Cable/7772/ This software is property of BSSClub and you are free to use it for your personal use as you see fit. BSSClub ======= BSSClub E-mail : bssclub@geocities.com WWW : http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Cable/7772/ ================================================================ --- Mike M wrote: > Ive noticed on a lot of these groups people always > asking about basic stamps and pic based controllers > in general, I am great at programming in vb, but > when it comes to assembly im lost. I understand > basic commands that are in the PIC, mid range, > instruction set. But what i was thinking of is > desinging a basic stamp clone, (lets face it there > are only $10 in parts on the board, and a programmer > did the "real work"!), I can handle most of > everything i want except for one...retriving the > user code out of an external eeprom. > > I figured while there are a few messages going > around on the subject of eeproms and serial eeproms, > i might as well post the question while people are > still in the mood. Anyone that can offer me help > possibly code examples would be great please email > me thanks guys. > > elektrikman@dynamitemail.com > mikey > > > > Send someone a cool Dynamitemail flashcard > greeting!! And get rewarded. > GO AHEAD! > http://cards.dynamitemail.com/index.php3?rid=fc-41 > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com