(at least to me) I'm sure a lot of you have experience with the Motorola internal PLL clock multiplying functions. As far as I can tell, there is nothing like this in the PIC. Is there a stand-alone, single chip out there that has the functionality of the PLL multiplier? I've heard of something like this in a RTC chip made by phillips, but I've been unable to find it. Currently I'm experimenting with a 4046 PLL chip and a 4017 divider (I'm using the co to do a divide by 10). Running off of a 32.768KHz oscillator this gives me a multiplied 327.680KHz output. What I am trying to accomplish is to have a switchable input frequency in order to handle 9600 baud serial in the onboard UART, and still have the micro running in a very low power mode most of the time. The only problem of course is that I get oddball error % for 9600 on any multiple of 32.768KHz, and other crystals of more appropriate speed (I calculate 30.720KHz to be ideal) are about 3 times the cost of a watch crystal. Any suggestions out there? (Other than switching to the motorola part). Prime considerations are low parts count, cheap price and low power (the usual, right?). TIA -Erik Reikes