Agnes en Henk Tobbe wrote: >For a project I need an analoge adjustable RC-oscillator on a 16F84. Beinga >newbe on PIC I dreamed up the following - not working - system (using PORT B >bits 6 and 7). >set PB7 to output high, >load a cap through a resistor out of this port (100K and 16 mf) >monitor the level on the cap on PB6 as input >As soon as PB6 is HI switch PB7 low to decharge the cap >PB6 monitors this and on LO switches PB7 HI again >and so on > >Basically the same as a small oscillator with a NAND gate or ST. > >It does not work, WHY? Where goes my reasoning wrong. >Thanks >Henk - V2GWK. Do you have any timer running while you wait for cap charge? I am asking this as your RC will take 1s+ to reach High level. Your watchdog is enabled? If so try to disable it. Marcelo Yamamoto