> Can those who really are considering Unsubscribbling here due to > discontent with the current list situation, please send me a message First off, thank you Mark for taking the time to do this. I think it will be of great benefit to the list. I probably will unsubscribe due to the high volume of off-topic messages. You can't successfully filter them because people can't follow simple standards such as the PROPER insertion of [OT] in the subject line. Instead, you see {OT} (OT) [WOT] [Way-OT] [OT?] {OT] "OT" and many other clever and/or lazy alternatives. Or, it's missing altogether. Here's a perfect example from today's dandy collection: "[WOT] Christianity questioned (was: Re: Accelerometer source(s) needed)" Gimme a break! Or: "Non-Mercury Tilt Switches - Save the Whales" Do we really need a lecture on saving whales? Or, a debate on the social/political problems in East Timor? Or a discussion on scaring/shocking/killing cats? Oh, pleeeease! There are other forums for this drool. Take it off line! Plus, if posters would exercise a little more restraint, maybe others wouldn't feel compelled to respond. For example, there are several topics which should NEVER be discussed: Politics, religion, Windows (it is NOT spelled Windoze) vs. Linux and PC vs. Mac. When you find that you are deleting 99.9% of the messages without even reading them, it's damned difficult to see the return on the time investment. Flame me if you want, but do everyone else a favor and send it to me directly. My email address appears below. RETFIE Steve Harter sharter@mindseye.mv.com P.S. I deliberately left the [OT] out of the subject line!