I was chatting with a friend the other day, and he was
admiring the range of PIC devices - there do seem to be dozens of different
types in the 16C/12C series. Then it occurred to me to wonder how many are
actually used. Speaking for myself for all development of our kit I use the C509
for small or really cheap designs, F84 for small apps, C558 for 2K, 18 pin
applications and F877 for all other applications. In the UK the price difference
between a 74 and an 877 is very small - about 3% in 100 off quantities so I
don't bother with any other 40 pin devices than the 877 nowadays.
What are other peoples views ? Are my favourite PIC's those
used mainly by others ?
Forest Electronic Developments
* http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/robin.abbott/FED