I have responded to these messages privately. If you want a copy, send me a PRIVATE not please mailto: montana@fast.net to keep the flames down over here. Thanks for your considerate response! Andy At 01:48 PM 9/27/99 +1000, you wrote: >At 22:42 26/09/99 -0400, you wrote: >>>Uh? aren't Catholics and mormons christians? >>>I was under the impression they were. >> >>No. Catholicism harks back to the days long before Christ. Catholic >>practices were actually one of the things that sent the Jews into Babylon. >> I don't have the exact references right now, but if anybody is interested >>I can dig them out. They are all in the Bible, probably in Lamentations. >>When the priests of Rome (who were practicing the same thing, just with >>different names - Jupiter/Zeus/Baal etc.) simply changed the names again to >>fit the current popular religion. Constantine just made it official - all >>the Roman priests were suddenly "Christian" priests. >> >>Mormons? No - they have a different Jesus Christ. The entire thing of >>CHRIST-ianity is who Jesus Christ is. He is not a created being. He is >>not one of many gods. He is God, Jehovah, as revealed to the Jews in the >>law and prophets, which is commonly referred to as the Old Testament. > >>It's >>beyond our understanding (mine anyway) how God is a trinity, but it's also >>quite obvious that that's what the Bible says, from cover to cover. I >>don't have time right now to get into it. If you interested, ask private >>and I'll reply private. >> > >Wow, mixing Mormons and the Holy Trinity together TICH TICH for shame. OK, >this is a difficault question and one that will get Catholics (Especialy >Roman Catholics) going for days. It is based on the three items >1/ Father >2/ Son >and >3/ Holy Ghost >In that they are all one of the same and all exist at the same time. Messy >stuff that does look at your love for g-d to beleive and understand. Gets a >bit confusing when you start to question it as an older person, rather than >accepting it as a young child. > >Better be careful, this will start a nasty thread. > > >Dennis > > >>>As for cheap accellerometers...... >> >>Not cheap - only accurate and small. ADXL202. >> >>Andy >> >>================================================================== >>Andy Kunz Life is what we do to prepare for Eternity >>------------------------------------------------------------------ >>andy@rc-hydros.com http://www.rc-hydros.com - Race Boats >>andy@montanadesign.com http://www.montanadesign.com - Electronics >>================================================================== >> >> ================================================================== Eternity is only a heartbeat away - are you ready? Ask me how! ------------------------------------------------------------------ andy@rc-hydros.com http://www.rc-hydros.com - Race Boats andy@montanadesign.com http://www.montanadesign.com - Electronics ==================================================================