RE: [OT] HP-2500CP drops Arcs past 27"

I am using ORCAD version 9.1 (latest) schematic drawing package and attempting to outputting an 'E' sized (34" X 44") drawing to a network HP 2500CP printer/plotter. 

Circles/arcs will not plot past 27" in either dimension on the drawing, but all lines and text plot fine.  An anomaly is, if I draw a large full 'E' sized circle, starting before the 27" imaginary boundary, it will plot O.K.

I have tried the latest drivers from the web, both HP & Adobe.  Orcad is the only program that shows up this problem, but Orcad also thinks it is a printer driver problem & HP sort of agrees, but cannot come up with a solution as yet.  I have sent HP a .PRN file and they are looking at it.

I have been struggling with this problem for a month now - does anyone have something else I can try.  Its very frustrating.



Mike Montaigne
Neutron Program for Materials Research
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
National Research Council
c/o Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.
Station 18, Chalk River
Ontario, K0J 1J0, Canada
Phone: (613) 584-3311 Ex:4005
Fax:      (613) 584-4040