>Uh? aren't Catholics and mormons christians? >I was under the impression they were. No. Catholicism harks back to the days long before Christ. Catholic practices were actually one of the things that sent the Jews into Babylon. I don't have the exact references right now, but if anybody is interested I can dig them out. They are all in the Bible, probably in Lamentations. When the priests of Rome (who were practicing the same thing, just with different names - Jupiter/Zeus/Baal etc.) simply changed the names again to fit the current popular religion. Constantine just made it official - all the Roman priests were suddenly "Christian" priests. Mormons? No - they have a different Jesus Christ. The entire thing of CHRIST-ianity is who Jesus Christ is. He is not a created being. He is not one of many gods. He is God, Jehovah, as revealed to the Jews in the law and prophets, which is commonly referred to as the Old Testament. It's beyond our understanding (mine anyway) how God is a trinity, but it's also quite obvious that that's what the Bible says, from cover to cover. I don't have time right now to get into it. If you interested, ask private and I'll reply private. >As for cheap accellerometers...... Not cheap - only accurate and small. ADXL202. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz Life is what we do to prepare for Eternity ------------------------------------------------------------------ andy@rc-hydros.com http://www.rc-hydros.com - Race Boats andy@montanadesign.com http://www.montanadesign.com - Electronics ==================================================================