At 17:37 26/09/99 -0700, you wrote: >At 06:08 PM 9/26/99 -0300, Ing. Marcelo Fornaso wrote: >>>PS: I'm looking for suggestions for names of my computer. I'm looking for >>>something that pulls the same mental strings as UNIVAC and ENIAC. >>> >>>- Keelan Lightfoot >> >>KEENIAC ? > "Black hole" comes to mind, it will devoure all your spare time and cash! Then again you could call it "Colosus" the poms intelligence system said that this code cracker didin't exist, and it was dissmantled at the end of the war. Fortunatly, the parts where kept and the thing was helped with all the kings horses and all then kings men, and Colosus was put back together again, and in the same building too! Hey get this, that thing was enulated on a current PC, and it took a pentium at 100MHZ to do the same thing! Whom says that we have come a long way! (Ok os things have gotten smaller etc, and one machine can do many a different task). You could call the thing "Son of LEO" anmed ofter the first machine to be put into a business Or you ould call it ALAN, anmed after the man who wrote the first machine code programme. The you could call it CRT, named after the first storage device. I could go on, but I will bore you all. Dennis