Andy, you should probably not take the flame suit off as soon as you get done saying something stupid, but leave it on until you people get finished flaming you; that's why they call it a flame suit, get it? I may be wasting badwidth with that advice as Rush's listeners by definition aren't too swift on the uptake. I mean, they affectionately call themseleves 'dittoheads' fer cryin out loud. Rope-tow politics for those too busy to think for themselves. > That's what we call the area which is inundated by lefties, > most of which > seem to originate in California and spread their perversion > from there. > > I believe the term originated on the Rush Limbaugh radio talk show. Bruce Cannon Style Management Systems 1228 Ceres ST Crockett CA 94525 (510) 787-6870 Remember: electronics is changing your world...for good!