The  Radio part 's available from  * RFM * ( www.rfm.com ) now include the * TR 3001 * ,
which is a transciever capable of  19.2 kbps using OOK modulation and up to 119 kbps
using  ASK modulation .  The part cost $20 in low volume and $ 8 at 100,000 . It is just now
rolling off the line and samples are difficult to obtain.  This model operates at 315 mhz. and
they offer the same part in other freq.'s ( 303 , 418 , 433 , 868 , 916 mhz.) .
The part has * Sleep * (150 uA ) and while operating , only consumes approx. 12 mA / Xmitting -
4 mA / Receiving.  Plus , in sleep , it can wake itself when a * Training -Preamble * begins
to be received . . . . .eliminating constant polling .  Range is anywhere from over 300 feet
to less than 50 feet . . . . depending on environment , output power ,etc .
They ( RFM ) have some good * On-Line * designers guides under the * Applications Icon *,
and if you start now . . . . . you may be able to determine how to setup your antenna by the
holidays : )   It's taking quite a while for me to narrow down a selection . . . . . . .
Regards . . . . .
                            Steve Kelley
                            Protobyte Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lea <lu2aoq@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sunday, September 26, 1999 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: keyless entry

At 10:16 AM 9/26/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm working a keyless entry system using the PIC16C84 and would
>appreciate anyone's tips and or advice.  I plan for the system to run on
>a 4x3 keypad outside and it will unlock or lock the door on a house when
>the proper code is entered.
>chris camerlin
You may try something like this:
use a 16F84 to read the keyboard, there are applications on the AN, let me
see if I
can find one...(2 min wait looking 4 it)...done, I couldn't find it, so:

A0   A1   A2   A3   <---outputs sequenced (see below)
|    |    |    |
1----2----3----A-------B0 input
|    |    |    |
4----5----6----B-------B1 input    <----typical keypad
|    |    |    |
7----8----9----C-------B2 input
|    |    |    |
*----0----#----D-------B3 input

you must add pulldown resistors on all tree B inputs

the way of use it is sequencing (high) the inputs A1..A3 (only 1 on at once) and
reading the outputs, if (for example) B1 is high when A2 is selected, then the
digit 6 was pressed.
Now the easiest way to send it to the central is IMHO using RS232, because only
3 wires are necesary (Power, ground and data out), and you also can doit
it is more complex and a little more expensive but no wiring needed to the
some time ago I did something like that with RFM modules (encapsulated
that works at 400 mhz with ON/OFF modulation at 1200 baud (RX1000/TX1000 model))

each key pressed can be transmitted via RS232 to the central, for extra
security you
can isolate Rs232 with optocoupler and power the keypad with a different
power supply,
so if some kind of short or destruction ocurrs on the pad, it will not
affect the
normal operation of the central.

I have some PDF's of RFM modules and some simple Rs232 routines (without
using prescaler), If you need it, let me know.

did you have the mechanical part solved?.
I hope it will helpful.
   Leandro J. Laporta (LU2AOQ)
   mail: lu2aoq@yahoo.com
   wrk: Arg. Assoc. for Space Technology.
   ham: TCP/IP high speed group HSG