Even more fun . . . . .
although small , the * Rare- Earth * magnets are available at
* Junk - Shack * ( a.k.a.
Radio- Shack ) that are the Cobalt type.
These will prove that even
materials that we consider non-magnetic are subject
to their fields . . . for
instance . . . . take a piece ( sheet ) of brass and tilt it at a 45
angle. Let one of
these slide down the sheet and you'll notice that it produces * Eddy *
currents that are strong
enough to cause an attraction to the brass .
Oh . . . . almost forgot .
. . . .you can use them to erase your PIC : )
On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 10:35:47 -0400 Wagner
> If you really want to play with magnets, first save away all
> computer diskettes, then go to a electronic repair shop and buy
> cents some of the surplus (bad, replaced) Microwave oven
> valves, dismount the metallic case and you will find one
or two very
> (really) powerful circular magnet (axial
These magnets are really powerful. Much better
than the ones typically
found in loudspeakers.
Of course if you're
like me you've played with the magents a little but
are now wondering
what's inside the rest of the magnetron. Here you must
be careful
that the ceramic seals of the magnetron (which you'd need to
break to see
inside) are not made of toxic BeO. I kind of doubt it would
be used
in a consumer device (except an early model when the magnetron
was really
expensive) but if you aren't sure it would be best to throw
away the
"heart" of the magnetron without dismantling it
and prepare
> to
> have a lot of trouble to
separate them if you put two together.
They are made of rather
brittle ceramic. Don't let them crash into each
other or into
ferrous metal surfaces as they probably will break.
Even more
powerful, though small, magnets can be found in hard disk
drives which
are new enough to use a voice coil instead of a step motor
to move the
head. The magnets are found inside the disk cover,
close to the disk, on the back end of the arm that holds
the Internet just the way you want it.
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