Keelan . . . .
I've got a name . . . . .for the project . . . * ENUF *. . . . . . no , seriously , this is reminding me
of the hardware I was trained on ( not to date myself ).  The Cyber 18 ( CDC , Circa late 70's )
had a wopping * 4 K-words * or ram , that was the high-tech * Magnetic- Core * variety.
But , so much for memories , on to business . . . . .
I've got a PDP - 11 / 73 sitting in the garage and you are welcome to it , if you pay the cost
of shipping 100 lbs.  The system does use a * back-plane * for the bus and basically is
functional , except for the 30 Meg . hard drive that you can replace for $ 20.  This version
does not have a * low tech * panel , but uses locking push-buttons , illuminated from
internal LED's .
One other idea . . . . . .find out what is being done with some of the old CDC hardware . . .
some universities used them in the computer / business programs , and they came complete
with a * switch - indicator *  type of  * break-out panel *.
Oooops !   Almost forgot to contribute something PIC related  :)   Instead of having the PIC
control the Z-80 ,  why not just  * single -step * the PIC . . . . or run it at  1- khz and interrupt it
every  20 clicks . . . . to see whats sitting on the switches : -)
If you're interested in the PDP - 11 / 73 , please email off the PIClist . . . . .
        Regards . . . .
                                Steve Kelley
                                Protobyte Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Keelan Lightfoot <keelan@MAIL.BZZZZZZ.COM>
Date: Sunday, September 26, 1999 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: [OT?] Retro-Computer

>We threw out a PDP-8 front panel only about two years ago, you may find
>these around still.

Nooo! Don't tell me that!! :) I like it more when someone says "I am going
to throw out (something old, useless and hard to find, and by the way, what
you want) tomorrow." :)

>The PDP-40 is a rather nice front panel from a point of view of
>imitating the flashing Address and Data bus of the 70's. I think this
>would suit your needs if you can find one.

I'm not just looking to simulate the flashing lights, but to also have a
working computer created. It will *secretly* have serial ports (I have 2 Z80
SIO/0s that I have to use up), so that I will be able to have a modem, and
perhaps run the worlds largest smallest webserver :) I would like to create
my own computer, just to say that I did :) In the end it will probably end
up doing something mundane like controlling the sprinklers in my garden, and
telling me there is mail in my (real) mailbox.

>I understand your preference for incandescent lamps, so the LED's would
>be of much use anyway, but I think the switches should do the trick.

If I could find a PDP-8 front panel, I would rather find the rest of the
computer, and build a working PDP-8 :)

PS: I'm looking for suggestions for names of my computer. I'm looking for
something that pulls the same mental strings as UNIVAC and ENIAC.

- Keelan Lightfoot