I sent this a week or so ago, but we have been having some difficulty with email, so I don't know if perhaps some replies were made that I didn't get...  If anyone knows a good callerid link, I'd be interested in that too.  By the way, is this topic I'm perpetuating OT?  A PIC is involved, but it's mainly a callerid hardware posting, so i guess it is....
Does anyone have access to the DAA circuit modification schematic mentioned below?  I am currently kludging a staff telephone arrangement where I provide the trunk (48V and ring generation) and I send callerid information via a bell202 modem from my PIC, through the modem, through a DAA, finally arriving at the staff phone.  The callerid info I provide is custom, and just tells the staff what room number has called into the system from a separate telco line that also comes into my circuit.  In essence, my kludge involves blocking the trunk DC with a cap on the tip line between my DAA and my staff phone so that I can leave the DAA offhook at all times thereby avoiding the 2 second billing delay imposed by the DAA and allowing me to get callerid info through after I ring the staff phone.
Pretty kludgy, so I'm looking for the simple modification mentioned below....  I have nosed around the web, but have been unsuccessful.
>To receive CND information, the modem monitors the phone line
>between the first and second ring bursts without causing the DAA
>to go off hook in the conventional sense, which would inhibit the
>transmission of CND by the local central office.  A simple
>modification to an existing DAA circuit easily accomplishes the  task.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chaipi Wijnbergen [mailto:chaipi@TOHU0.WEIZMANN.AC.IL]
>Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 11:09 AM
>Subject: Caller ID specifications
>Hi All,
>If you are interested with CallerID, here are some specifications:

        & nbsp;            &nb sp;         \\\|///
           & nbsp;            &nb sp;    \\  ~ ~  //
                          &n bsp;    (  @ @  )
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!           &nb sp;              ;             & nbsp;            &nb sp;              ;            !
! Chaipi Wijnbergen           &n bsp;            &nbs p;                           &n bsp;       !
! Electronics/Computer Eng. M.Sc.  Tel    : +972-8-9343079          &nbs p;         !
! Optical Imaging Laboratory       Fax    : +972-8-9344129          &nbs p;         !
! Brain Research Center            Email  : chaipi.wijnbergen@weizmann.ac.il  !
! Weizmann Institute of Science    URL    : http://www.weizmann.ac.il/~chaipi !
! Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL                          &n bsp;            &nbs p;                  !
!                          &n bsp;            &nbs p;                           &n bsp;           !
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