What I want (closest thing like this) is to have all my home machines Beowulfing together, when not otherwise in use, perhaps with most info stored securely in MY server, but no way am I going to trust MY personal info to someone else's "secure" server. Use such a widget for when/if it's appropriate, sure; Be unable to choose to store anything on my hardware, Nope. I'd say something like "They can have my HDD's when they pry my fingers off 'em", but from what I've seen they're getting a little over-eager to DO that... Why do people keep solving the WRONG problems, from my point of view? Most of the reason I have all these machines: Lack of expandability on any given computer (Try, just Try, putting a gang EPROM programmer, STK-200, PicStart Plus or Warp-13a, EMP-10, EMP-20, Parallax programmer, a modem or two, a mouse, external portable hard drive, and anything Else like 3-4 printers, all onto one computer. LOTSA LUCK. Insufficient IRQ's, slots, etc.) How would I go to the park & code PIC code in the sun, if I had no storage media? Ack! (The old XT laptop will go 8 hours off a charge...) Lots to be said for having a few "throwaway" workstations around, for just general work projects (like testing code that destroys the OS, for example ) Mark