Hi! I was designing an application that requires 10 mhz with a 16F84, but here, in my country only can find the 16F84-4 that I believe it runs only at 4 MHZ (max) , is possible to run the 16F84-4 at 10 Mhz?, or using it with an external oscilator?. I was using the 16F84-4 in the past at 6 Mhz clock (HS setting) without problem, but 10 Mhz may be too much. any idea?, 10 Mhz version of 16F84 is unreacheable here... thanks! PS:sorry for the bad spelling. Leandro J. Laporta (LU2AOQ) mail: lu2aoq@yahoo.com wrk: Arg. Assoc. for Space Technology. ham: TCP/IP high speed group HSG