The Vpp must be above the level (14 v or so) within a certain number of clock pulses. When your programming circuit has a slow ( = bad) Vpp raise it helps to keep the xtal pins open (the worst it can do is pick up 50/60 Hz) as compare to leaveing the xtal connected. Wouter. ---------- > From: Niklas CarlŽn > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Programming PICs > Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 09:44 > > Hi > > One quick question: > Is it OK to leave osc pins floating when programming? > Someone told me not to but he can«t remember where he got that advice (or if it really applied to PICs) and I can«t find anything about this in the datasheets or programming specs. > > /Niklas CarlŽn