On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Agnes en Henk Tobbe wrote: > Some days ago I asked if the US specs are valid in Australia as well. No > reactions were received. I am sure some one must be able to answer my > question. > Henk VK2GWK (PA0ADC) > Hi, I got this response from Telstra Research Labs when I enquired about the same thing: Thanks for your enquiry on the Telstra web site. The CLI specification is based on a Bell spec. but because of the different ringing tones and cadences the spec had to be modified. The data is sent in the silence after the first long ring signal. Earlier on the PICList I got this info: >> Does anyone know what 'protocol' or 'standard' Australia uses for it's > >Same as the USA - 1200 baud data between the first and second rings. >-- >Clyde Smith-Stubbs | HI-TECH Software >Email: clyde@htsoft.com | Phone Fax >WWW: http://www.htsoft.com/ | USA: (408) 490 2885 (408) 490 2885 >PGP: finger clyde@htsoft.com | AUS: +61 7 3355 8333 +61 7 3355 8334 >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >HI-TECH C: compiling the real world. > > Not excactly 100% correct. Yes the data is sent between the first and second rings, however the format is different. The USA uses Bell 202 for its data where we use V22. I don't know why we changed from the proposed V23, maybe ALCATEL can answer that. You will need to dig up the Telstra STD for that one, also if I remember correctly this service now costs (Like Distinctive ring (Yes we do have it) Hope this helps a little Wesley