Hi I've been having a battle with a stepper motor project. I think the problem could be with the stepper motor itself. After a lot of struggle getting the wires figured out I got the motor to move in the CW direction. When I applied the reverse bit sequence the stepper quivers. It works fine CW. I have tried about every bit sequence and used INCF and DECF on all the sequences. Some of the arrangements caused the stepper to move in CW direction when the CCW button was pushed, but never CCW. Any ideas? Maybe I am just brain dead. It is a 6 wire linear 12v stepper, 2 power wires and 4 coil wires. I have ordered some more steppers with docs, as soon as I get them I can give then a try. tHANKS jON BACKGROUND------------------- I rearranged the wires on the motor FROM TO 1---- 2---- 2---- 1---- 3---- 4---- 4---- 3---- When I did this the motor would now turn CCW and no bit sequences would turn it CW. This sequence works using INCF in both wiring schemes- the 1234 wiring scheme turns CW and the 2143 turns it CCW STEP ADDWF PCL, F ;full step RETLW B'00000110' RETLW B'00010100' RETLW B'00010001' ;WORKS IN CLOCK WISE DIRECTION RETLW B'00000101' Using 1234 wiring scheme and these bit sequences will not produce CCW turn. Using 2143 wiring scheme and these bit sequences will not produce CW turn. 1234 wiring scheme STEP2 ADDWF PCL, F ;full step ; RETLW B'00000101' ; RETLW B'00010001' ;INCF BINDS ; RETLW B'00010100' ;DECF TURNS CW OK ; RETLW B'00000110' ; RETLW B'00010100' ; RETLW B'00000110' ; RETLW B'00000101' ;DECF TURN OKAY CLOCK WISE ; RETLW B'00010001' ;INCF BINDS ; RETLW B'00010001' ; RETLW B'00000101' ; RETLW B'00000110' ;DECF MAKES THIS BIND ; RETLW B'00010100' ;INCF MAKES THIS TURN CW ; RETLW B'00000101' ; RETLW B'00010001' ;INCF BINDS ; RETLW B'00010100' ;DECF TURNS WELL CLOCKWISE ; RETLW B'00000110' ; RETLW B'00000110' ;INCF MOVES CLOCK WISE OK ; RETLW B'00010100' ;DECF BINDS ; RETLW B'00010001' ; RETLW B'00000101' ; RETLW B'00010001' ;DECF BINDS ; RETLW B'00010100' ;INCF BINDS ; RETLW B'00010100' ; RETLW B'00000110'