I need to construct a speedometer that works off front wheels of a rear wheel drive automobile. I am considering using either a 16f84 or a Basic Stamp. I have worked with neither. I have worked with HC11's though. The first thing the meter needs to do is turn on a light at two different speeds, at about 40mph and again at about 80mph. That is all I need to begin with. Does anyone have a source for the software that I might adapt. Or, could anyone send me some source for a timing loop that will time a pulse with a maximum width of about .75 secs. for the 16f84. When I get the meter working as described above, I would like to be able to log the pulse events from the front wheel sensor for the first 60 ft from a standing start. Then download the pulse event log to a laptop to graph it. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks John