20/9/'99 Wow, This has been a long topic with many an answer. I find that the screwcaps and nuts and that sort of stuff interseting indeed. In Australia, the wiring rules (AS3260 in part) are complex, but the implementation at electrician level is quite simple (Must be a registered electrician in Aust with a 4 year apprenticship, losts of work to learn how to tighten a screw!). Anyway, all joints for fixed wiring must be mechanicaly stable. All connections are via utilux screw down terminals. The wires to be joined must be twisted together first (1.5" of insulation to be removed) and then placed into the terminal and then screwed down. All wire used is single core solid double insulated, power is nominaly supplied with 2.5mm square and light with 1mm square. The earth wire (Yes we have this on all wiring to outlet points i.e. To anywhere where an item can be connected, be that a plug or a light bulb!) if it is to be joined is in the same method, but with 2 screws in the terminal. This method has been in place for some 25 years(?) now longer if you take the first implementations (92 odd years) yes we have had some changes in basic wiring (We had dangerous metal conduct with cotton coated impregnate wire, then that horrible rubber coated stuff that had to be afixed to the studds, then the first pas P.V.C wire with the bare earth in the centre, and now Stablised P.V.C with the earth as a separte conductor). Then there was all the changes with bringing down the full active and netual to light switches and only earthing metal light fittings to now where we only bring down the active and the switched active for a light In all the manufactures have to make the fittings copper based to remove dissimilar metal problems, this was rejected, and the ateration was changed to brass with copper coating, however srew termianls for jointing purposes are brass. Now here is where things do get a bit strainge in that jointing outside of that that can be perfomed on connections points e.g. Light fittings and power points is nominaly not performed, as we can stick 5 wires into a single terminal on a power point (Not easy at all). We are also allowed to have 10 power points on a single circuit, so a house in general doesn't have any other joints than thoses provided at the connection points. As for the fuse box... Now with the DIN rail distrobution boxes there is an active bar and a neutral bar, in the past all the active wires where twisted togther (Between the meter and the fuses) and terminated, a netral bar was used to distribute the neutral and to bond to the earth point etc. I can go on, but I am proberably boring you all Dennis