Routing error in Microchip ICD header: F877 pin RD3 is connected to what should be the low voltage programming signal from the ICD Module !!! This really should be pin RB3 (LVP) pin. The revision number on my ISD header is 2. Strangely, the Demo board in th esame kit is correctly routed to the place for soldering in a connector. Obviously somebody typed wrong of B and D in a netlist or something. What is bad is they have not yet checked it and neither corrected or reported this error. I have not seen a note of this anyway. The debugger is supposed to *find* bugs, not *be* a bug!! :( I wonder, is this erroneous connection the reason why they say LVP does not work? Have somebody tried it out (with correct LVP connection) ? Regards /Morgan Morgans Reglerteknik, HŠllekŒs, 277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN tel +46(0)414-446620, fax -70331,