I am using a timer circuit to control a wiper motor on a car. The timer circuit uses a NE555 in monostable mode to drive a pair of miniature electromechanical relays mounted on the PCB in parallel. One relay is Normally Open, which controls the wiper motor run mode, and one is Normally Closed, which controls the wiper motor parking mode (i.e., returns the wipers to "parked" position when the run mode goes to OFF). Each relay, therefore must control about a 7amp 12VDC load. But mechanical relays are too loud; the clicking is very distracting. I would like to replace them with something quieter. I thought maybe reed relays could be substituted but these seem generally to be designed for much lower current loads. Is there an FET circuit I could put on the output of the timer circuit to take the place of the relays? I would appreciate any help. thanks. Scott Hieber S. Hieber ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com.