I have a problem that only happens when using a real 16C74 and not when using the PICMASTER. I went through every errata sheet I could find and didn't find anything about the problem I've encountered. I have the read/~write from a 2X20 character LCD connected to RA3 on a 16C74. When measured at the LCD (or at the PIC), the pin would be low all the time when using the PICMASTER. This is correct as I only write to the LCD. But when using a 16C74/JW, the pin would be high. This would put the LCD in read mode when I'm trying to write. This is how I found the problem as I found a bus contention on one of the LCD data lines. I pulled RA3 from the /JW out of the socket and measured it again. It was low, so something was pulling it up. It turns out to be the LCD. I put my scope on RA3 (while disconnected from the board) and as far as I can see, its tri-stated. If I put a 10 K pull up on it, its goes to 5v. I have tried several JW parts so I can't believe its a bad part. It would seem that RA3 is configured as an input. But Port A is definitely configured as an output, its configured as all digital, and RA3 is set low. I didn't see anything with the A/D that would force it to an input. I clear TRISA (all outputs) once in the beginning of the program and I don't change it. I just don't see what could be causing this. What am I missing? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! ----------------------------------------- Mike Montalvo G-FORCE Motorsports http://www.g-forcemotorsports.com 516-794-0858