At 19:01 12/09/99 GMT, you wrote: Have a look at Use the warp-3/PP1 to 8-pin pics as a guide. You should be able to translate that to your situation without much difficulty. Jim >I'm new to pics. I've got a programmer that programs the pic16f84, and >other pics though an adapter. I'm on a tight budget and can't afford the >expensive adapter. I realize there are 5 lines to program the pic, >sometimes 6(my circuit has an oscillator terminal grounded, whats this for, >is it important?). Three power lines (+5, GND, and +12) and two other lines >that on the pic 84 are hooked up to RB6 and RB7. What would I hook these two >lines up to on the pic12c508 for programming? > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > Regards, Jim Robertson NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS ________________________________________ Email: MPLAB compatible PIC programmers. ________________________________________